Swine Flu Natural Cures - Using Home Remedies to Treat Swine Flu

The Swine Flu has been the topic of most people conversations lately. And no wonder, it is quickly sweeping across our country, infecting many with a possible “killer” flu. Hundreds of schools have closed down, more employees are working from home, travel warnings are more widespread, public outings are becoming more cautious, and we all know it - hearing someone sneeze is just not the same anymore. So the big question is, how are you protecting yourself from the Swine Flu?
I have read article after article where use of garlic, echinacea, zinc and vitamin C are suggested, and yes, all of those things are great for boosting ones immune system. But realistically, with a killer flu on the loose, I just don’t feel safe enough using those four supplements.
I have been a believer in “nature cures all” for sometime. It has worked for our family quite well. If you provide your body with the proper nutrition, adequate rest, and pure juices and water, you can heal from within faster then you would with over the counter medication. However, this method doesn’t seem comforting enough with the Swine Flu either. So we stocked up on plant medicine that should knock out anything that crosses its path. AntiViral Defense, from PlantCures.com, is a combination of six powerful Chinese herbs and one amazing western herb.
The powerful Chinese herbs in this formula make a great natural cure for the swine flu, or any flu as a matter of fact. It even works great as a natural cure for the common cold, by alleviating your symptoms within a day or two. If you catch it early enough, you can be feeling great the next day. Ban Zhi Lian (Chinese Barbed Skullcap - whole plant), Xia Ku Cao (Chinese Prunella Vulgaris - Flower Spikes), Jin Qian Cao (Chinese Coin Grass) Da Qing Ye (Isatas or Chinese “Woad” leaves) and Mu Dan Pi. (Root bark of the Mountain Tree Peony) There is also a small amount of Gan Cao (Chinese Licorice Root) added to make the herbs work together as a unit. The final herb used is the root of a western plant called “Osha” (Ligusticum porteri).
Its useful to have this stuff in your medicine cabinet at all times. If you feel a flu coming on, drink 1-2 tablespoons of this natural herbal remedy, and often times you will get better overnight. Visit their website, PlantCures.com for more information and their great natural products and cures.
Reader Comments
It’s always exciting to hear that there are alternative ways to fight the flu. I REALLY don’t want to have to revert to any conventional medicines.
did anyone try this stuff and did it work? i’ve been fighting something for over 3 days now and i’m dying!!!! fever, cough, sore throat,running nose/stuffy nose,everything!
Thanks for good recommendations.I believe in power of herbs.