Diaper Cake Giveaway - Win an Organic Eco Friendly Cloth Diaper Cake!

Organic Cloth Diaper Cake
So what’s the newest craze in baby shower gifts? Diaper Cakes! Why? Because they are beautiful as well as practical. Whats great about diaper cakes is that they make a great gift for the first baby or the 4th baby, and are always in fashion. Diaper cake makes a stunning centerpiece at the baby shower gift table, and will make the most practical and memorable baby shower gift. You can bet every item in this diaper cake will be used by the expecting parents.
What makes this diaper cake a unique and Eco friendly gift is that we used beautiful organic products made by niftynappy.com. Niftynappy.com uses wool, organic hemp, and bamboo to make the products very absorbent as well as anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. This cloth diaper comes with an organic hemp insert which is very thin yet super absorbent. For a detailed review of this Eco friendly cloth diaper, please read our previous post.
Are you looking for a gift for a pregnant woman you know? Are you pregnant and want to give yourself a gift? Did you just have a baby? This beautiful Organic Eco Friendly Cloth Diaper Cake is a gift nice to receive or give. Either way, this is your chance to win one!
The Prize: One lucky winner will receive an Organic Eco Friendly Cloth Diaper Cake pictured here valued at $189. This beautiful cloth diaper cake includes:
- 2 Niftynappy totally Organic Hemp Cloth Diaper in Owl Print
- 8 Organic Hemp Fleece and Bamboo Velour Diaper Inserts by Niftynappy
- 1 Woolie Soaker by Niftynappy
- 1 Organic Thermal Receiving Blanket
- 15 Organic Gerber Prefold Cloth Diapers
The Rules: There are many way to enter the giveaway, each of the ways described below is equivalent to one entry. (You can do one or all)
- Visit niftynappy.com and leave a comment here with your favorite product.
- Leave a comment here on your experience with a niftynappy cloth diaper.
- Blog about us or this giveaway on your blog with a link back to us. (send us an email with the link)
- Add us to your Blogroll or add our button to your side bar. (send us an email with the link)
- Subscribe to our feeds by email. (be sure to confirm your email address)
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- Add us your Technorati favorites.
- Digg / Tweet / Stumble - Digg, Tweet, Stumble this post or our site. (send us an email after, you can also use another social networking site.)
The Fine print:
- You must follow the rules as outlined here.
- You must leave a valid e-mail address in your comment so you can be contacted when you win.
- The winner will be chosen at random. They will then have 3 days to reply or another winner will be drawn.
- Contest ends October 8th at Midnight EST.
- Contest limited to residents of continental United States only.
- Please allow some time for comments to appear as they may be caught by spam filters.
Reader Comments
Very cool! I love the peachy keen pocket diaper from Nifty Nappy! I may just have to beg my DH for some more dipes lol
My favorite is the PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper in the Ooga Booga - brown, so cute!
I love Vilates diapers!
My experience with Vilates Nifty Nappys has been great! They fit very well around the legs and are easy to snap up! Higly recommended!
I think the nifty nappy’s are awesome. I love that they have snaps instead of velcro and the prints are adorable!
Snappy SwimEaze
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Michigan Addy Ready
I absolutely love the peachy keen pocket diaper! All the prints are adorable kittielockhart at yahoo DOT com
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The Snappy SwimzEaze for babies are cute as a button, the prints are so sweet and bright!
Expecting our fourth. This would be an amazing giveaway for us! My favorite product from Nifty Nappies is the PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper. It sounds like the go-to diaper!
I am a subscriber. Thanks for the chance!
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ID- fruitlooplexi
(awesome cloth diaper giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/yap2×4m)
I’ve been following the Nifty Nook for a while, and my favorite is still the little swim diaper she does.
I like the Nifty Nappy OS Cloth Diaper in Monkey Gals fabric.
I just found out about Nifty Nappies a couple days ago and they look great. I really want to try them.
i love how there is such a huge selection in fabric for the diapers.my favorite fabric in the nifty nappy diaper is the bold and bright pink
fave product is: PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper
twitter follower- kgail11
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I love the organic nifty nappy…sounds great!
So many great options - I really like the Nifty Nappies PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper!
I love OS Pocket Diapers, the Moose in Shoes pattern is cute!
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I love the PeachyKeen Pockets and the Bold N Bright pink pattern is adorable!
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I love the Soft Lambs Wool Soaker. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the organic nifty nappy
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I like the merino wool soaker.
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I like the wool soakers, especially the merino one.
i just found out about nifty nappies on facebook! We are pregnant with out third baby and i will be ordering many diapers fromyou! Thanks for you giveaway!
I really like the Snappy SwimzEaze, so cute and practical!!
I like the woolie soakers.
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the nifty nappies look great!
I don’t have an experience with nifty diapers! I would love the chance to try them out!
I like the snappy swimeaze
I love the PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper. It seems like it would it most babies perfectly. Thanks!
I like the Snappy SwimzEaze. It’s reusable!
I love the whole PeachyKeen Pocket Set!!
I love the super duper soakers. My son needs one for nighttime.
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i really like the wooly soakers!
I love the Woolie Wrap! thanks
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I like the PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper
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Everything is so cute! And the prints area great. I really like the Snappy SwimzEaze. Love the snap side for a swim diaper.
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I don’t have any experience with niftynappies THis is the first I have heard of it. I would love to try them out.
I love the PeachyKeen Pocket OS Cloth Diaper in the “moose in shoes” fabric.
I subscribe to your RSS feed. (emailed you!)
I haven’t used Nifty Nappy, but they have what I look for in a cloth diaper/cd company: snaps, one size options, pocket dipes. PLUS, they have what a lot of ‘big brands’ don’t — really cute fabrics!!
Love the Soft Lambs Wool Soaker
Thanks for the chance
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I’m entering this for a niece who is expecting next month. She is expecting a little boy. I’m new to this product but checking out the website I thought the diaper cover with the basketball design was cute as well as the solid colors. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
I’ve just decided to cloth diaper with my upcoming 3 child and I’m completely in love with the concept. I love the super duper soakers, they look really useful for nighttimes!
My favorite is the OS pocket diapers! I love all the fun prints as well.
I have never tried Nifty Nappy diapers but they look so nice!
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I really like the Snappy SwimzEaze
I LOVE her diapers. My favorite would have to be the nifty nappy- ooga booga is cute!
My experience would be that they are super soft diapers, and they don’t leak!
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I would love to try out their PeachyKeen Pocket OS cloth diaper!
I’ve never tried out niftynappy cloth diapers, but I would love to since I have two babies in cloth diapers and am always looking for good diapers to add to my stash!
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I love the nursie pads!
I like the felted longies
I follow you on twitter. @Bargain_Hunter_
I like the Snappy SwimzEaze in Safari
allmycrazycats @ aol.com
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allmycrazycats @ aol.com
I really like the PeachyKeen Pocket OS. I have recently been using pockets and love ones that have microfleece. Keeps my daughter dry.
I am following you on twitter… @gristlequeen
Love the PeachyKeen Pocket in Ooga Booga!
I follow on twitter ashleestucki
I like the Snappy SwimzEaze. It’ll put everyone’s minds at ease when a diapered baby is in the pool!
I like their Peachy Keen Pocket diapers. The ooga booga print is super cute.
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Vilate’s diapers look so great. I especially like the woolie wraps. I think they would be very comfy and leakproof as a nighttime cover. I think the fact that all her diapers are made with love make them better than plain ole factory made dipes!
I love their Woolie Wraps!
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Snappy SwimzEaze diapers are awesome! Love all the styles as well!
jakellcth @ msn.com
snappy SwimzEaze is my favorite!
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thanks for all the chances!
twitted this post,.. chip chirp
I’d love to try a Woolie Wrap! thanks!
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
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Faved you on Technorati. ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
I would love to try the SwimEaze swim diapers. Though I would love to try many of those diapers on my 2 little ones!
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I like the nifty nappy but in the safari print.
I have no experience except for reading all about them. I have not had my first child yet, but am determined to use cloth diapers. This would be an awesome start.
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I’m just awed by the prints available for both the Peachy Keen Pockets and the Nifty Nappies - like the rubber duckies!
janet at lakotacreations dot com
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I love the PeachyKeen Pocket Set, so cute! Pocket diapers are my fav!!
Am following on twitter as GiveawayQueen.
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I like the Snappy SwimEaze diapers
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I like their Superman Soaker!
I have no experience with NiftyNappy cloth diapers. However, my sister in law uses cloth diapers with my niece, and I know she’d love them!
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I like the OS Safari diaper.
now following on twitter (jessremington)
I ordered a big order this morning from her. cannot wait. I like the big print bold print that she has in the swimzeaze and the nifty nappy.
I like the nifty nappy/woolie wrap combo!
stacywhalen at yahoo dot com
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stacywhalen at yahoo dot com
I like the peachy keen sail boat diaper