Best Toddler Bike - Strider No Pedal Push Bike
We don’t usually add products like this to our site, but we came across this and were so impressed with the results we knew we just had to add it. The Strider PREbike is the best no pedal balance bike on the market. It is designed for 1-5 year olds. With no adult help a curious toddler will intuitively straddle the bike and begin the process of learning to ride a bike.
First the child walks with the toddler bike between their legs, then they start pushing off and rolling, trusting his/her own abilities they begin running, gliding and steering around obstacles.
What they actually are learning is proper balance and steering. This makes learning to ride a bike easy, stress-free and safe. Running bike holds several advantages over ordinary beginner’s bikes.
The Strider teaches your child balance, coordination and develops confidence. Trikes and bikes with training wheels don’t. Traditional bicycles place too much of the focus on learning to pedal and tricycles are heavy, clunky and difficult for kids to control. Remember your first training-wheeled bicycle? The bike wobbled from side to side and you were so high up that you couldn’t touch the ground. It was terrifying. Don’t let your child or grandchild learn to ride a bike like this!
Bike riding becomes a breeze when you teach your child balance and coordination before pedaling. The Strider takes pedaling out of the mix so that kids can concentrate solely on learning balance, which takes more practice. Pedaling is a secondary skill that kids can easily learn within a few short minutes.
If your child can walk… your child can ride a Strider.